Archive for May, 2013

The Last Week to Help The Long Bike Back’s Crowdfunder

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

We’re entering the last week of the crowdfunding campaign for The Long Bike Back! Thank you so much for the contributions, help, and promotion you’ve given over the past few weeks as well as the incredible support through the years of production. I never would have made it this far without you.


In order to be successful, we need to reach all of the people who will love The Long Bike Back but haven’t heard about it yet. So please help us spread the word and this link: through email, facebook, twitter, instagram, all other social networks, and in person!

Here are a few sample posts, feel free to just copy and paste:

Help fund @LongBikeBack‘s exciting documentary that will build empathy for cyclists on the roads

Check out the video for @LongBikeBack about a cyclist’s recovery from a hit & run and his ride across America

You can also mention the project to people in person (or on the phone) and tell them to check out which has all of the project info and videos and is easier to remember than a bunch random links 😉

And you can add your voice by commenting on the campaign or the videos


On the Indiegogo update page we’ve been releasing new content:

A music video using outtakes from Wyoming and Pearson’s song Wyoming off his 2011 album Re:@

A deleted scene from The Long Bike Back

A tune from the songtrack

A sample from the photobook

And there are more posts lined up, so follow the campaign to stay updated.


When we reach each new 10% funding mark (50%, 60%, and so on) we will randomly choose one contributor to WIN an 8×10 print of one of these seven images. ALL CONTRIBUTORS ARE ELIGIBLE!

Thank you for your help and support!

-Julia & Pearson